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Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Five Secrets of Successful Forex Trading!!!!!!!

I think I had better start off by clarifying that there really are no “secrets” to trading in the forex market, but there are certain things that successful traders do that unsuccessful traders do not do – and vice versa.It seems to be a well established fact that 95% of all the people that trade the forex lose some or all of their investment while a small percentage of traders make a very handsome return. Why is this? If we were able to make a detailed study of every successful trader, we would find that there is a common thread that runs through these people.The details that we could take from this thread could be considered to be the five secrets of successful forex trading. So here is the first “secret”. Successful Forex Traders love to trade. They love everything about trading. They love the studying, the planning, the scheming, the waiting, the anticipation, the execution, the result, the atmosphere and of course they love making lots of money.

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